Tuesday 22 September 2009

Busy day

Wow! today has been really busy, which is kinda good, no time to think of gorging on those extra calories.

I had to get up at 5.30 to get to college on time, cause its quite far away from were i live.
I'm quite ashamed cause i had skittles for my breakfast. >.<

Damn sweet tooth.

But i skipped lunch and am just about to dig into a salad for dinner.

No dressing, none allowed after 'breakfast'

I also spent half the day running around the city, trying to find my friend a birthday present, but it was worth it cause in the end i found the perfect thing.

A while back she lost these earrings that her mum had given her, but she absolutely loved them!
She looked for them for ages, and her mum couldnt remember were they were from.
I didnt manage to find the exact ones, but i found some dead similar in a small charity shop.

God i love bargain hunting. My mum said i should sterilise them so i dont give her any diseases :/ I dont think she'd be too happy if i gave her an sti for her birthday....

well...im gonna go tuck into that salad, then nothing else untill tomorrow.


I will be 103, i tell you i WILL!

Stay strong



  1. glad you had such a good day!!
    hehe the earings/sti comment made me smile :)

    happy birthday...i got you clamida!


  2. Definitely had more productive day than me! Your friend is going to be excited when she opens ur present!
