Monday 26 October 2009

Oh no.

Okay i know its been a while.
Oops, ive just had it all on at the minute. Family seems to be going down the shitter.
College is so tiring, and dont even get me started on work.
Things seem to picking up a little now though, which means i have more time, meaning i can get back in touch with everyone.
So basically, my sister and her husband are going through a divorce, and the cunt just wont co-operate with anything.
I feel so bad for her, she's such a nice person.

Yet i hate the way she makes me feel....kinda selfish for having an e.d
She like, does the whole guilt trip scene, but im completely immune to that.
Been there done it, got the t-shirt.

This isnt my fault, its not a crime, and its not something to be ashamed of!
Its who i am for christ sake!

Sorry to go all Jeremy Kyle on your arse, but you get where im coming from right.
Not too sure of stats at the minute to be honest.
But i'll post as soon as i know ;)
Love you all

1 comment:

  1. your right its not a crime, and you shouldn't e made to feel guilty for something that a part of who you are. Glad things are sorting them selves out!
